Quick Start Guide
1. Generate an API Key
Go to the API Keys page and generate a new API key for your application.
1. Install the Client Library
Install the client library for your programming language:
npm install @imgoptimizer/client
2. Integrate with Your Application
Use the client library to optimize images in your application:
import { ImageOptimizerClient } from '@imgoptimizer/client';
// Create a client with your API key
const client = new ImageOptimizerClient('your_api_key_here');
// Optimize an image
const result = await client.optimizeImage(imageFile, {
quality: 80,
format: 'webp'
if (result.success) {
console.log(`Optimized size: ${result.optimizedSizeFormatted}`);
console.log(`Savings: ${result.savingsPercentage}%`);
3. Monitor Your Usage
Keep track of your API usage and optimization statistics on the Usage Statistics page.